Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Day 9: What makes God smile?

In a haste to finish reading today, tomorrow is a long day for me, and i'm feeling tired. Today the car broke down, tyre went flat.. Well.. i thought what luck for the tyre to be flat... In my mind, i was thinking to myself, maybe God planned for this, so that i might reach home at a certain time or something.. However, an angel came to our rescue! A stranger stopped by to help us.. nice man.. really was impressed.. That there are nice ppl around..

Day 9 touched my heart, what makes God smile.. reading this makes me understand God better.. i use to think that God is unhappy whenever i am not spiritually "there" yet.. and that he loves those who are chasing after him desperately only.. But it wamed my heart when i read that He loves to watch our spiritual development. He does not seek the perfect us, but the us that seeks to love him wholeheartedly..

God smiles when we trust him totally.. well i think tt is the hardest part to do... To trust completely.. when times are good, its easy to trust.. when times seem hard and the impossible sets in, then we question the will of God.. I was amazed with Noah... to spend 120 years building the ark must not have been an easy feat.. however, he did it, and he trusted God completely, without any complaints..

For me, i think the most important part of my life that i feel i should let go to trust God completely would be my career path... for me to trust him completely that he will bring me to where he wants me to go... Thy will be done...

A long night... seems a short slumber to the tired mind...

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