Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Had a great day today, and to me, reading this chapter ends this day beautifully...

"What Matters Most..." To God? We were talking to Apostle today about Heehaw and its all about love.. and God so graciously planned today.... Of all days today to talk about love.. relationships..

"No matter what i say, what i believe, and what i do, I'm bankrupt without love."
1 Corinthians 13:3b (Msg)

Beautifully said.. we should value our relationships more.. My parents, my friends, my siblings, Jerome, my sisters and brothers in Christ..

Today I finally saw how God works and finally understood why things happen, and that things do happen for a reason... I have been feeling vexed and confused lately about the happenings and direction of Heehaw.. and God showed me why he had not open up doors for us.. I am glad he brought us to see what He had planned for us.. God, is so wonderful in His plans.. that i could not stop thinking or talking about it... To God be the Glory... And Fairhavens Romance was born...

And thanks to Veron who mentioned the covering of the Church... We are now guided by the right counsel.. Thank you Lord for being gracious to us.. gracious enough to still guide us..

I never saw Love this way before as the Chapter describes it.. I always felt guilty if i spent too much time with my family, friends and Jerome.. In the past during AM, i remember that spending time with them means that next time we will not be able to provide a better future.. Time has to be spent carving out a career for oneself, at the expense of not seeing my parents and my siblings much..

I remember that my sister grew up so fast without me really witnessing me much of the change.. I was too busy at that time, too busy to be there for her and to listen to her.. Too busy for my mummy.. Left her alone most of the time, and took her for granted... All with the thought that sacrificing time now, would equal a better future..

But apparently it did not, now i understand the biblical way.. understand the importance the time and relationships. I want to use my time more wisely now..

"Busyness is a great enemy of relationships" True enough we become preoccupied with making a living, doing our work, paying bills and accomplishing goals, i believe God does not want us to be lazy but he also wants us to be balanced, i think i should let dede read this.. to let her understand... that Work is not everything.

True.... wat an observation: When ppl are on their death beds, wat di they wan to see the most? Books? Accomplishments? money? Its people... They want their love ones to be around... Thus love is so important...

Yesterday, we drove past a car, the car had a flat tyre and it was a lady trying to change the tyre... We wanted to stop to help, but at that split second, i looked at the time and realised that if we stopped i would be late for my Music class, as i wanted to rush to Sim lim first... And we made a wrong turn and we didnt stop to help... We felt bad... but in my mind was that i know i did not have the time to help.. But reading this, i am wrong.. And may God forgive me.. Busyness is something that we all have an excuse about... And i really understand now, what this chapter is trying to put across...

I want to make full use of my time here on earth, to love and spend more time with the people around me, i never know when they will not be around anymore.. Even that thought scares me, i want them to be in Heaven with me.. Will pray them into the Kingdom Lord, and share with them how He touched my heart..


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