Thursday, March 31, 2005

Day 24: Transformed by truth

What has God said in his word than i must start to do, but i haven done yet?

God said for us to be humble and not bad tempered. To think for others more than think about ourselves. I think these are the few actions that i want to take towards following what the Bible says. I have not read through the bible at all yet and not even studied much into it. I want to start doing that as well.

Realised that because i cannot really quote scriptures and cannot really explain certain things that i feel from God to others.Then how do i spread the gospel like that?

I was amazed by the four authorities that we usually go by:

Culture (everyone is doing it)
Reason (It seems logical)
Tradtion (We have always been doing it)
Emotions (It just felt right)

But i have one question that i think i should ask Pastor sally... how to follow bible standards? how do we look for answers and instructions in the BIble???

I must receive it, read it, research it, remember and reflect on it!

I never really asked much questions: I think its time i asked, and God can then let me grow faster...


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