Thursday, April 14, 2005

Day 37: Sharing your life message

My life message:

Testimony: I remember beginning a relationship with Jesus when i was in Primary school, i was still very young then, and all i knew about Christianity is that Jesus died for us on the cross and if we dun believe him, we will definitely go to hell.. haha imagine me as a young girl.. i was shocked and afraid so i accepted the Lord. But i never had any encounter with Him, never understood what it meant by being a Christian. Til one year back, when my best friend, sister and boyfriend convinced me that maybe its time i went back to God.. Then my relationship really started... I was very skeptical. People believe in religions so as they can have hope in life. Maybe there is no such a thing as God.. i use to think.. and i did not understand why people had so much feelings about Jesus...

Slowly through many incidents, i understood and felt the reason why. I saw how miraculous God is.. how he managed to save jerome and mercy from the serious accident, how he managed to let us pull through financial difficulties.. My relationship with him.. had jus begun.. Jesus was jus starting a mission in my life..

My life lessons: I was spolit, lazy, proud, arrogant, miss know it all... But GOd brought me down to humility. I remembered saying once that i hate sales, and will nevere do sales. But He led me to astral mag... forced me to swallow my pride and put down my laziness to go for appts, to convionce people that they need the product. To learn with a humble heart. I thought i knew it all... but then... God took tt away.. and forced me to a circumstance whereby i had to lean on others for support, for money... He had to take away my pillar of support for finance... my job, my manager position and brought me back to square one again.

I never learnt my lesson, to study properly and He gave it back to me again. He made me concentrate, make new friends.

I had a bad temper, He knew.. and He gave me the serenity to change these. He made me calm down my temper, and let me understand that beign angry will only bring back an angry tone and voice. and things will jus get worse...

My Godly passions: To sing for Christ. For be able to touch hearts, and let the HOly spirit touch them and come to Jesus.. if it is God's will... i will use my voice for Jesus.

The Good news: I dun think i have ever tried evangelising before... so the first time i tried was on Easter Sunday, i told myself that i will try to ask my Thai friend, nalin to come to church with me.. I did not know if she qould come.. but i told GOd, that God, i will do what there needs to be done, please help me. And she came! t is not important whether or not she believed or she accpeted the Lord.. What was most important was that i could add a plus to her journey in life... and someday.. when the pluses add up and she finally accepts Jesus into her life... i was one of those pluses...

He has taught me so many things, without HIm, i will not have curbed my temper today. Without Jesus's help. i would not have the patience to accomplish anything...

Who does God want me to share it with?
I cant seem to think of any one now.. as God leads i guess...


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