Thursday, April 07, 2005

Day 31: Understanding your shape

Applying ur abilties, in the list was composing songs, teaching music.. i have always doubted if i really can write songs, if it is really a talent.. maybe its jus something in me.. I dunno if i really can sing or i jus like singing..

What ever you are good at, you should be doing it for the church..

This sentence made me realize tt yah.. maybe i do have a talent in singing.. but yet still unsure.. i dunno why i am unsure of myself..

Determining my shape:

Family experience - What did i learn growing up in my family? I learnt business dealings? Learnt that when there is always success, there is always failures. That we should be careful of pitfalls. I learnt not to take for granted.. my life.. has been good.. parents love me.. take care of me.. and i learnt that family is the one that will stand by you.. when troubles come..

Educational Experience - My fav subjects... i did well in maths i liked it.. so it was my fav.. i loved literature.. i like studying marketing, realising how the world works..

Vocational Experience - Jobs... i have been effective in telemarketing.. but i didnt really enjoy it... have been effective in sales.. but i didnt really enjoy it.. been effective in leadership .. public speaking?

Spiritual experience - Meaningful times with God, when i am in MM, singing to him, and worshipping him...

Ministry experience - served God in worship.. lead in worship when in GB, led in worship in mission trip to the children, led in worship in SHPS.. write muscial script.. think a little drama..,

Painful experience - Problems... Financial? Self esteem? Hurt... My love life.. thats a great hurt.. thorns ... my studies... my trials.. picking myself up from where i fell...

My faults - Stubborn, lazy, prideful
My failures - Weight control, finances control
My fears - Life.... death.....

My GOd given ability.... Singing??? Personality????


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