Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Day 30: Shaped for Serving God

In what way can i see myself serving others passionately??

What do i love to do.. God... He is amazing, I was feeling guilty that day at MM.. I was totally enjoying myself and really loved singing but i felt bad about it.. i was thinking to myself, that i should constantly tell myself that it is to be focused on God..

Reading this chapter: SHAPE made me understand that God gave me that interest.. He placed that in my heart to make me feel passionate about the whole event.. Uncle Mic told me to lead in the breathing exercise, i realised that i was excited about it.. I really wanted to learn more things to improve on the choir..

The first tell tale sign is enthusiasm.. and i am enthusiastic.. but other than that what other spiritual gifts? i cant see it myself.. i wan to pray to ask God to let me discover what it is..

I wrote a song today while i was in school.. amazed by how my inspiration came... the next time i write a song, i want to write it for Jesus..

I shall do that!


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