Monday, June 04, 2007


Its true what Jerome said yesterday of me; I am lost, depressed. And most importantly tired out, thinking I do too much, thinking that I have sacrificed much. Looking back on the days that I have seeked to prove my worth in the bank. But the days are in the past and I have to learn what I need to learn from those lessons. Whether I am ready to accept the huge responsibility that God might have for me. The plans that God has in store for me. To be self employed or rather to go out on my own at a time like this to explore seems fearful. But God will always be there to hold my hand should I fall. The qualities of a leader I read from gave me new light. The story of Kindness, and yet not expecting anything in return, tat is what I really call an act of kindness. So I see it that sacrifice without expecting anything, without recognition, or complaints is the truest form of rock solid leadership. I need to learn how to do advanced planning and to influence those that I need to influence.

2 weeks from now, I need to take cell. Lord, I pray that you will give me the strength and the ideas and the words you wish for me to share about. Lord, may you take over and let the influence that you wish to have be imparted.

I need strength and most importantly discipline as I step out. I cannot turn back and look and think that the world will stop for me. Only take what I can take. The discipline I had when I first joined Citi. The drive and determination. I will need to succeed to give my parents what they should deserve and before any illnesses or old age comes upon them, I would like them to enjoy life. Most importantly I wish to inspire Jerome and be the woman behind his success. That his family will be ready to accept Christ and most importantly for them to move to another level in life. I must do it. There is no one that will help me but myself. I will trust in the Lord and soar on Eagles wings. Let my life be a testimonial to others and may I be a great leader unto you Lord. I pray that you will give me the Long-term vision, and the strive for excellence in all that I do. That I will Plan, I will be disciplined. And my enthusiasm never be killed... It’s never by me alone... Lord let me take on this responsibility and t sacrifice without complaints, to have the humility in myself, to influence and change lives, and only those that I am able to change Lord. and the Perseverance to go on...

I need to be prepared, to let my siblings take on a new level in life, for my parents to be saved. To change myself for once and for all... to not accept mediocrity as a norm. But to take on my charge in this life. As William Penn said, I will only pass through this life once. I need to make the most out of it, for I will only have one chance. Once chance to be 25. Only once to pass through 5th June 2007.. once its gone, it’s gone forever.

I need to take charge of my life on my own, with God's help. I cannot wait and hide no more. Time waits for no man.

Isaac once said that I will be able to make the devil fear me for what I can do.. Jerome said many a times, that if I put my heart and soul into anything, I will be able to do it. Mr. Ong once said that he is sure I am capable to be successful, all my colleagues thinks I can make it. Dede always thinks I can do it if I set my heart to it. Nicole and Sean think so too. Even Aunty Gwen once said that Jewel, you will the light that shines bright for many to come to Christ. Even Cyn's mum thinks that of me.

Inside of me, I am the only one who thinks that I cannot. I am the only one who thinks tat I cant. I am the only one with the fear.

Lord let me be courageous in you and dare to dream and aspire to fly.

Let my life be glorified unto you.


Jewel Tan

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