Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stepping out into the dark and unknown waters

Realised today that its not a bed of roses for these entrepreneurs that have started out and have made it successful. Found out that I had to pay GST for the goods that I wish to import, found out that there might be an issue to import candies as they might be dutiable goods and I might need a licence.

Need to be prepared and do I charge a GST amount or do I need to finalize my art work readily. I wish to do things right in the Lord and thus I need to take that step of faith and not be like what I was in the past to just depend on things to happen. If i want things to take place, I must make the effort to be in the know and be clear of the direction that I am heading.

Am blown away by the ideas that I see all around, am wondering what the focus is then for our business?

Where is the unique selling point?

Everything pastel and then?

I need to start off somewhere, and I pray that God you will guide me and not allow me to be disheartened by the things around me.

I must remain strong to pursue my dreams and make them come true.

Start thinking and be sure.


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