Friday, March 28, 2008

The Christian Battlefield

For the first time in my life, I felt that I could hear the war cries around me. First time I noticed the war zones in my life. And I realised that I have not been preparing for the war, I have not believed in the spiritual warfare that I hear Christians talk about.

I felt lost, depressed, and filled with strife. I really didn't feel like sharing today and i asked God what He wants to do for the cell, what He wants to share in the cell?

I hear a prompting in me to talk about the Armor of God, to put it on and prepare for battle. The belt of truth, the helmet of Salvation, the sandals of peace, the sword, the shield of faith.

I really placed my faith in God to lead the sharing, to share the experiences that I had these few days with our cell.. And God just led me to the article on the internet about the armor of God. Lord, I pray that I will remember these two weeks, and be at a constant spiritual readiness for the war that is already ongoing.

I was truly blessed when Cass shared with me a vision she saw. She saw me kneeling down on a cushion, and praying and there is a majestic angel with gold wings encompassing me in an embrace. Shielding me, its gold wings reflecting the light into the darkness that was surrounding me. I peep occasionally but i wanted to escape and could not face up to reality. And slowly the darkness around me became fire, and i could feel the heat, but i still did not want to face up to it, and I slowly opened up and walked to face what I have to face.

This is truly like how i felt, that I want to remain in my comfort zone, my protection, and although i see the needs of the world, i just want to turn a blind eye and continue leading my normal life.

I need to be a light to shine into the world.


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