Thursday, December 30, 2004

30th December 2004

A Jewel will Be Polished B4 She Shines

Life is heading for a different direction now, still do not know where it will lead me but I shall place my faith in God, just like what my best friend tells me. Jus read some of the most touching stories on love. Hmmm.. realised that i am a romantic freak.. Those stories made my tears fall and made my heart ache.. That is why i got inspired to start this online diary, to share my stories with people i know too.. Life can sometimes be too busy that we only have this tiny little bit of time at night when no one else is there beside you to slowly think and reflect on what life has done to you.

Jerome is quietly sleeping and my sister has also fallen asleep, whenever i look at them, i would think to myself, i wonder what their dreams are now.. Hee but i know my dear darling never dreams.. Amazing how he never dreams.. My sleep is always filled with dreams.. Sometimes so real that i can wake up and recall those vivid details.. I truly wonder if our sub conscious minds are so powerful.. Whether dreams do turn into reality..

Its a beautiful night to start an online journal.. A beautiful night to share thoughts and dreams.. My best friend is doing this as well just as i type.. she is typing too.. This memory to last...

Je t'iame... I love you.. It resounds in my mind.. like some romance novel in the making.. and jerome has made this romance novel come true.. someone extraordinary..

I was reading one of those touching stories and the title was 'He is the one that loves me the most'... As i read the story, i smiled to myself... other than my creator... other than my parents.. He is the one that loves me the most.. a person who so innocently loves me, and seeks the best for our future together... I thank God for a lovely family, wonderful buddies and a magnificent companion... What else can anyone ask for..

I wan to learn how to count my blessings and not to look upon the problems in life with such great importance.. What is important is that I am still able to wake up the next morning and say thank you Lord for this beautiful day that i am still here in this world!

Life is beautiful.. Je t'iame..

Longing to shine bright as a precious JeWel,

Jewel Serene

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