Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Road to Discovery

I woke up this chilly morning undecided and unhappy, thought to myself what is life about? Perhaps its due to the monthly moodswing that I have, or its truly bcos I am lost? I felt cold, and just wanted to continue sleeping. I woke up, ate something, and went back to sleep again. In the midst of all the dreaming, I decided that well i could spare some time. But in Joyce Meyer's "I Dare You to embrace life with PASSION", she said, time is our most valuable commodity. So while i am not going to give up, what I feel God has placed in my heart to do, I will start on a Road to Discovery. I will first start with being more observant, being more "deep in God's presence" to see what He wants to tell me about my life. Being more aware of the feelings and the honest emotions that I truly have in my life.

This road to discovery will lead me to God's calling in my life. what may it be? I am excited to find out. My life has only just begun.



-on the road to discovery-

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