Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 09, 2008
My Crossing Over
To God be the Glory!
Friday, August 08, 2008
No-Bake Chocolate and Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Lornie Cell; Unity in the body of Christ
Like what Eric shared to use the energy in my sphere of influence.
Thank you Lord.
Passion New Photos & Cries
Yesterday night had another revelation; I felt my heart reaching out to God and I wish there could be someone guiding me and showing me where I should go from here?
After Leaders' Meeting, while we were on our way home, Eric shared with me simply, that 2 obvious gifts I had that I can use to serve God would be through music, my singing. He said, Jewel, no matter how many hard knocks you got, you still chose to stay in the worship team, do not deny it any longer, you should use this to serve God.
He placed a question to me, do I cry when I see alcoholics get saved and healed from their addiction or do i get inspired when i see prophets giving prophecies? Ashley's journal and the things i talk about are the evidence of my calling. I cry when i hear about lives being changed, i cry when there are amazing songs written for God, i cry when souls come to Heaven. I have a heart for outreach, for giving ideas on reaching out. I have a heart to sing for God.
I hardly thought of it this way, I kept thinking that perhaps I am not meant to sing for God, my voice is not good enough, I do not know how to play an instrument, why do i seem not to have the passion for singing, to learn more and etc. On the contrary, its due to the lack of confidence that aunty Gwen was talking about too. The that lack of confidence, will pull my enthusiasm down and that is what that is stopping me from wanting to improve myself any further.
What makes me cry? What makes me sing?
Eric just answered it for me, someone not entirely close to me knew. God works in miraculous ways.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Passion sparked by The Passion Movement
To be able to seek God and then fully let Him take control, takes time and effort on the man's part.
I pray for wisdom and discernment.
Is that really you Lord?
God showed him a verse that said for what will be shaken, will be shaken and all that is left behind would be the one that will stand forever. So he hesitated and wanted to seek God, to pray until God answers and confirms.
But then God showed him a vision of the boat getting ready to set sail and there was a man sitting beside the boat crying. That man was none other than Jesus Himself. He was crying for the ship that was supposed to be for Him, to do His works, the focus was on the ship, the ministry and not on Jesus Himself. If they had chosen the ship, they would have forsaken Jesus.
He then had to let the ship dream die. For only when he let that dream die, the man part dies, whether it was for a greater cause or not, if its not for God and God is not in it. Then what does it serve. In order for it to mean something, it had to die. And God had to resurrect it, for then it is God who did it. It is for His glory and no one else. Just like why did God let Lazarus die and then resurrect him? It was then will they treasure, and see that is for God.
He had to learn to be humble, he could have not let it go for pride issues since he had the money coming in. But he did not. He called one of his major donors and tried explaining. But the donor said, he considered his investment well spent, as this helped the ministry to be humbled. And since the decision was made, he believed that in further days to come, the ministry will grow even bigger and stronger.
I think it was amazing that God will let Jerome ask Elysia this question. And it is even more amazing that Elysia can answer how do we hear from God and know that it is really Him?
To be able to minister to people, we need to be equipped with stories to tell, with testimonies to share, with bible verses to refer to, with resources to give out.
And that is what I am aiming to become for God!
Passion Kuala Lumpur 2008: Fun Times
Other than the spiritual experience, it was a great experience hanging out with the entire MM team! We had loads of fun and hilarious experiences! Wah ah! And I cannot imagine i actually drove in Malaysia! Yes! It was really quite scary at first, the cars being more "tougher" than in Singapore! However, I believed that God will keep us safe from harm! Malcolm gave me the "Guard of Horner" badge, cos for hours they drove up the highway and the roads, they did not use the horn, just minutes after we drove out of the Tabernacle of David Church, I horned a driver cos he was intending to cut into my lane while i was following isaac to go for lunch! Haha! it created quite a commotion in the car. Eric and Malcolm ah.. sigh.. cannot stop talking about it.
And so, I drove round KL and drove back from KL to JB, around JB and JB back to Singapore!
the most exhilarating experience was the petrol incident: sigh we left KL with 3/4 tank of petrol and on our way we took for granted that there definitely will be petrol stations along the R&R points. While i was at 1/4 tank, we started to signal to look out for petrol, no sign of it. At the sign of the empty tank warning, we still could not find any. Both R&R pit stops had no petrol stations. Went on empty tank for a REALLY long while, while everyone in the car were all awake and silent now. And all silently praying i guess. Haha!
And finally came to a toll, the person told us 5km away, and then another toll said, the petrol station will be 8km away off the highway. Wow... the experience could kill.
I had to switch the air-con off, and we sat there in our perspiration, as i just kept driving. Concentrating on cutting the lane to my right quickly and gently enough to not increase my RPM, and also not to lose sight of isaac and also to keep watch on petrol and look out for petrol stations. Haha! Super multi tasking of the season!
Finally, Eric broke off into a song: "Give me oil in the car, keep it running! Give me oil in the car, I pray, I pray. Give me oil in the car, keep it running, keep it running till we reach the petrol station" haha! It was super funny, we all sang along! Finally broke some tension!
And then we saw it, a little blue sign on the left side of the end of the highway... The petrol kiosk logo 1km away. We were happy like little birds and anticipated it! We were stuck behind this little lorry that exhumed black smoke from its exhaust pipe! And I thought to myself, lets overtake him before we consume too much black smoke! and well.. while i over taked on my right, the little sign came up again and there it wrote 1000m away...
BUT it was just round the corner, everyone got excited include MALCOLM and he started pointing and exclaiming for me to turn left!!!! And blocked my side mirror!!! oH man... I had to quickly swerve to the left and when we reached our petrol station, we PRAISED GOD! As if we just touched down from a near crashing plane ride!
It was an experience i cannot forget. Well, this Malcolm had to rub it in to say, all soldiers need to go through the test, before he can get the badges you know, it will not be fun if i so easily got the badge!!! : )
Isaac and Malcolm kept insisting then, that there should be no cause for alarm, and that my tank should have more reserve, so we took note of how much litres we pumped, and it wrote 40 litres. then isaac said, "aiya! like that still can go for more than 10km lor" assuming my tank is a 50 litre one...
So once we reached church, alex asked Jerome, how much is our tank size, and in his face, he said 40 litres.. WAH HAHA!
It was a miracle. We arrived at JB on 40 litres, barely making it at all..
Alex was dumbfounded and called Isaac! Hahah!
Well well... so much for their re-assurance!
Nonetheless, it was a great trip!!!!!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Passion Kuala Lumpur 2008.
Then at the end of the conference, they had to do some extra songs, and Chris Tomlin sang Indescribable,
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untamable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
And I literally broke down, because in the midst of so many of His sons and daughters, He showed me that He hears me. Cos He knows even each of the stars by name.
Isaiah 40:26
Lift your eyes and look to the heavens:
Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one,
and calls them each by name.
Because of his great power and mighty strength,
not one of them is missing.
Eric sent me this verse in the morning cos i shared with them what happened, and I thought it will be great to be an encouraging verse to Christians and pre-Christians alike!
Amazing Testimonies at the conference, I really felt so much for making God's name known throughout the world. In the past, I use to think, i must be someone great so that many may come to know Jesus through me, but i realised in the conference. Louie said this, God may call people differently, some to be big, some to be small, some to be famous and some to not to be.
I want my life to make your name famous. Saying yes to jesus, and going wherever he is going. And to whatever questions. Isaiah 26.8
But we are all making disciples for God. The most amazing verse i learnt
Isaiah 26:8,
Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, [a]
we wait for you;
your name and renown
are the desire of our hearts.
that all I need to do is to say "Yes, Lord" and let God do the rest.
Louis said that all we need to know is that we need to infiltrate culture, to be the best that you can be, to let God supernaturally help us and not only by our talents and gifts.
He spoke about Grace; 2 corinthians 5:13-21:
13If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. 14For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
16So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21God made him who had no sin to be sin[a] for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
I finally understood, what Grace was about, felt like for the first time, I knew God.
Many people think that we are sinners, and God is perfect, it is such a huge difference, so how do you get across the gap back to God.
A lot of people will say that we need to make right what we made wrong. Grace is spanning the gap to me. God will do what we cannot do. God came down and make it to you. Jesus faced what we faced, and he lived among the temptations and the desires, but he was faithful to God in every way. At the cross, God did a transaction that blew our mind, he put all our wrong onto His son that was perfect. Jesus gave his life as a payment, He paid the price for me. We get a brand new person in Christ when we have a relationship with Him.
The cross should make you go crazy and not just a calm resounding: "Amen brother". Sometimes you have got to be in the right time. In the world but not of the world. We can talk to anyone, we can be anybody. Put me anywhere, i got gifts talents, put me where people are.
Many songs touched my heart in Passion. Indescribable, "Sing, Sing, Sing", "God of this City"!
Its amazing, I am believing God for greater things!
Jewel in this City.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hello Kitty Cafe Taipei Taiwan Interior
Oh man!!! Found this while we were browsing for interior designs for our shop!!!! : ) i wanna go!!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Updates to My First China Expedition
the best. Still had some fun with ong though! Haha! These are some of the food we had!
26th June: Dinner @ Quanzhou
This was at the restaurant one of the factories brought us to, great food! ! Quanzhou
27th June: Lunch @ Xiamen
Forgot the name of this place, but its right beside our Xiamen hotel, we ate here before we left for the airport to travel to Yiwu, and its delicious! The mango ice was so huge, we couldnt finish it! Think that Jerome would love to finish it, but too bad he was not around!

My steak looks good right!!
Thought its really amusing why they need to enclose themselves in a plastic cover??
The huge Futian Market
30th June: Dinner @ Yiwu
We have had several days of breakfast @ Yiwu that was sub-standard, so every other day at Yiwu we ate KFC, until we got really sick and tired of it, we are cup noodles. This town does not seem to have any night supper places, well not that we know of. Until one of the folks there brought us to this Szechuan Mala place! Whoo.. now thinking of it, i am getting hungry.. This diced chicken was hot as in really nice! We already told the kitchen to not use the original "spicy" method, to lessen it a lot for us.. But still we had to drink lots of water.. SPICY!!!

One of the worst carrying experiences ever.. Took a bus here to the Railway station to get to Hong Kong... The bus stopped us a distance away, normally a five mins walk to the station, but becos of our really heavy luggage, we really had lots of trouble.. Sigh..
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The thoughts of things
But well the good thing about this race, is that it has not ended yet. Becos of whatever gifts God has given me, I can still use it now, wake up my wings, my desires, my hard work and start flapping my wings. And once I get the hang of things, i can soar like an eagle, gliding in the air.
Its getting scarier by the minute, when finances overwhelm you. It brings me to the point of worrying, that every spare moment after my laughter dies down, i will be worried. I will put my trust in the Lord. Father, help me not to be worried.
Please bless Jerome, for he really has the heart of gold. He helps without expectations, never once seen him really count whatever he has given out.. Friends, Family, Me, Church..
That Lord, you will help him to seek his passion.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Updates to our travel!
How to walk on the inside out with Pastor Sally
Philippians 1:12-13 Advancing God's kingdom eventhough we are in the dire circumstances.
2. Develop your own Personal Conviction.
1 Peter 1: 6-7 We all have tough times. We need to develop a personal conviction. When the word of God convicts us, it must stay irregardless of the situation we are in. Tough times makes us stronger.
All of us have different tolerance levels.
1 Peter
Romans 2:5. God is developing something in me, when we are going through tough times. There is a reason.
3. Ditch the past and Walk in Victory
Do not let the past haunt you. Do not say its me, thats the way i am, thats the way i talk.
4. Decide to say No. 1 cor 6:12
E.g Buffet, we always say we are full, but when we see more food, we always cannot say no.
We do not say No to God.
Philippans 4:12-135
5. Determined to be dependent on Jesus for everything.
Determination and dependence is 2 different things. Determined to be dependent on Jesus for everything.
The world system is do it, just do it, everything can be done. God's grace is sufficient for us.
Apart from God, we can do nothing. That is how much God wants us to know that we are dependent on Him.
Young people always think that they have a lot of time, so they procrastinate. What we need to finish, we finish it today.
God is watching us.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
First Day in Xiamen, China
Well, its 8pm and we are back in the hotel room, nothing much to do as we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow and we need to re-org.
Went to try the foodcourt today and it tasted really bad.. Though it looked good.

In the end we had to resort to eating Mcdonalds.. Haha!
The traffic is quite scary, nearly got banged by a bus on our extreme right and it was right at my face.. when the brakes screeched to a stop.. phew..
Got "cut queues" by so many Chinese people that I decided no more nice lady here. Funny end to our first day, should go see this "Gulangyu" place that everyone is telling us about. Perhaps on the 27th when we have nothing much to do..
And a testimonial, one of the manufacturers told us that there will be typhoon and storms in Xiamen and Quanzhou where we are heading, and he told us to be careful! So we got Pastor Sally to pray for us, and when we were in the cab, the cabby driver told us that it was good, the storm made a turn and headed towards Shenzhen instead of here. God is good.. May He bless the rest of the journey! Amen!
Jewel in China, Xiamen Hua Xia Hotel!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sunday with Pastor Irene
When are you coming up to your destiny. Creation is moaning. When are we ever going to wake up and realise that we are an Eagle and not a chicken.
When are we going to wake up and realise that we are the son of God.
Let the glory and spirit come out. Lord let me not be jealous of other people's talent, let me appreciate the difference in the talent.
We are capable of so many things. God has given us so much but we under utilize. The computer can do so much but we
Christians: Just go to church. We take it as a religion. Come to the point that we are Sons of God, we are capable of more than that. God wants us to come up to that level.
When its something new, we are intimidated. God has given us the ability, but we need to learn the functions. We need to read our manual, the more we study, the more we practice, We exercise the faith, we become strengthened. We become skilled in the things of God.
The computer has to be plugged to a power source. We have to be plugged in to the Power of God. We must be connected. JohnL Vines and the Branches. Apart from Lord, we can do nothing. We must be connected to the Lord. There are always requirements, it does not mean we wake up and everything is ok. We must pray, we must read the word of God. We must be connected in our spirit. It is fundamental.
We need to be able to run at our optimum level, we need to frequently clean ourselves up. We must always recharge, we need to filled. When we run slow, everything is slow. We need to watch what we download into our computers, We need to watch what movie we watch, what we read, what we see, whom we follow, who we mix around with.
We need to share our thoughts, we need to run important and good softwares.
We need our senses exercised to discern both good and evil, we need to practice.
Hebrews 5:14. solid Food...
1 John 3:8 We need to grow up, take our rightful place. That we may destroy the works of the devil. We will set captives free.
Acts 10:38
The next time, someone tells you that they are sick. Try first.
By reason of youth, by practice. We will be able to do it.
Let God come out of us.
God's beauty and God's splendor to come out of us.
Christianity.. and me
Saturday, June 21, 2008
An evening with Pastor Andrew
So really felt very relieved to have cell today, and it was with the Vibrants @ their Revive Camp! Pastor Andrew from Cornerstone Church's Youth ministry came to share today! It was really an amazing night.
I enjoyed his preaching a lot today, "There is a time for everything". Ecc 3! There are things that we can choose and there are things that we cannot. God chose us, and He knew us from the moment we were a substance in our mother's womb. I am more amazed that someone so real, someone from our generation has placed his heart and soul into learning GOd's work and being a full time Pastor!
The time He shared about Job's story, that he knelt before God and said, Blessed be Your Name, you give and take away, naked I come, naked I go. It really touched my heart, God allowed trials and temptations in our lives, because He already knew that we will pass the test. He already know that we will be able to overcome.
God placed a calling in His heart to learn Indonesian songs.. and years later he is going to be preaching in Indonesia and leading worship in their language. He pursued his dream and cut an album with his youths with Integrity!
From 40 strong youths to 400 strong youths.. Only a heart after God can do it.
When we prayed, i felt God's presence strongly so much that I could not stop crying, its been such a long time before I felt the Holy Spirit so strongly. Pastor Andrew said he felt that I had lots of dreams when I am young, that I have a good spirit and that God gave me many gifts..
I cried because, when I was younger I always felt that someday.. I will be a Somebody. What kind of somebody, I do not know..
And I left my life in God's hands from tonight forth.. That he will take over and take control. I will not let the successes and the failures of this world control what God wants me to do.
Just when I was about to give up on our partnership, God sent us signs to continue. God works in miraculous ways, ways that are much higher than what we can conceive.
Pastor Rachel prayed for me, for our generation to rise up to our roles. For our cell, for my dreams. I prayed silently for salvation of Jerome & my family! God will do something greater in my life.
Jerome shared with me that we need people like Pastor Andrew, visionaries. We need help in the church, i shared with him, its time we rose up to the occasion. Its time our generation sowed into the lives of the people around us.
He said, these things can only be learnt in Bible School! So yes! Maybe perhaps, we should attend short courses together! Lord, may what you put in Jerome's heart come to pass, that he may go and bless others.
Pastor Rachel prayed for Jerome to grow and be strong in the word of God, it will come!
Thank you Lord, i cast all my cares upon you, I know that You will carry me through.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Sunday Sermon with Pastor Sally
2. Be Faithful - You need to be faithful.
Faithfulness is a character of God.
We are not like Christ yet, because we find it difficult to love people who are not faithful. Its tough.
We need to be faithful, slowly from occasionally, frequently, to consistently.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
The resistance of Change
How difficult is it for change Lord? How easy it is to dwell in the negatives of life? How easy for the devil to creep in with the perceptions and the notions? How easy is it to fall into bad habits?
I pray this day that Lord, I will remain Happy, not judgmental, and Lord no matter what the devil throws at me, I will still shine for you.
That the revelation of the shining light amongst the darkness, will the brightest and the most obvious target. Lord, let us as brothers and sisters in Christ stand together against the enemies. And not let the devil have any chance against us.
Monday, June 02, 2008
The Eerie feeling of fear
God teach me how to stand firm in spite of everything else. The emotions and the fear of money is so strong. I wish I had the capacity to earn my own money and not have to depend on Jerome.
It sucks his energy and mine.
It makes me feel indebted and whatever.
Lord, help me to be able to at least able to sustain myself.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Sunday Service with Pastor Rachel
Genesis 17:3 Abram fell facedown, and God said to him
Romans 4:17
17As it is written: "I have made you a father of many nations."[a] He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.
Do not give up! Begin to call forth the things that were not, as though they were. As God calls the dead into living.
God sees the positive aspect of all our lives.
"I need you" - Tell God that.
Think about my life, call forth those negative things that are in your life, for them to come to pass.
If God has called you to lead worship, see that you are leading worship.
Do not be disappointed.
1. A World Within
2. My Dad
3. China Trip
For the humility of self and the fear of people's comments. God forgives and you can try again. Amen.
Why is it that the devil tries to take away what you think? That when you did your best. When you put in effort, but the results are not what it is.
Friday, May 23, 2008
The fear of reality
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Amazing Love, it covers me
He was angry. He disagreed. He wants to die - selfish. Silent Treatment. He refuse to change.
1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
Let's not just go through the actions, the Lord looks at the heart. The devil attacks your soul to attack your heart.
God will send Holy Spirit to speak to us when we are facing obstacles. When we cover each other in Love, the Holy Spirit will come and convict him.
The stones in our lives cannot be removed yet, they are still going to be there and will not go away. Until we surrender it all to God.
As long as we prefer to stay where we are, we will not be able to move on.
Do it daily! Let it go!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Made of Honor

Sunday, May 04, 2008
A verse that reached out to me...
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. 27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
this is something that we all need to remember!
How to triumph over temptations?
How do u trust God totally? What is that we must do right before can open the floodgates of Heaven?
Only when you are not alive, then you will not be tempted. Everyone of us go through temptation.
Who is the source of all temptations?
The moment someone tells you not to touch, you will be tempted to touch. Examine our lives.
The person tempting us is ourselves. How do you tempt yourself?
James 1:13
"When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. 15Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."
Trials and temptations are two different things.
Temptation is the one tat will continuously sabotage you to to accomplish what God wants to do in your lives.
Temptation comes from within. Trials comes from external pressure.
How you respond to your "trials" situation determine how u are going to grow in the Lord.
When we face temptation we usually want to find a way of temptations. But sometimes we do not want to find a way out, because it might look good, feel good.
The devil wants to come and steal, kill and destroy.
Falling prey to temptation involves a series of steps:
When you look, you assess and see is fine.. But only when you start desiring.
Temptation is internal pressure.
We must stop doing the blaming game.
If you do not identify with it, you cannot deal with it.
1. Do not go near temptation
2. Flee from it
Who is the source of triumph; God
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Parable of Talents - Pastor Sally
19"After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. 20The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.'
21"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
22"The man with the two talents also came. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.'
23"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
24"Then the man who had received the one talent came. 'Master,' he said, 'I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.'
26"His master replied, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? 27Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.
28" 'Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. 29For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. 30And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'
Talents - Two months wages.
Today, its not talents = money. Talents = investing their lives.
We all need to look into the word of God and not opinion of people.
Why did the master assign the talents that way? The master assigned to them each according to their abilities.
We are given opportunities according to our abilities. All of us will be given oppo in our lives, we will not ahve the same equal opportunities. Its not because God loves us less, but its because of our abilities, and because if that he entrusted talents to each servant.
1) We will not have equal opportunities
2) We will not have equal abilities
3) We do not handle responsibilities equally
The servant who got one; would think why the rest got more talents and he only has one?
Many of us are not contented with ourselves; we look at ourselves and we desire to be like our "idols".
God knows each and every one of us, he knows our abilities, he believes in each and every one of us. However, our problem is we are not contented with what we are given. Why so and so is so successful , why can't I? and a lot more of such questions.
Its about time, we embrace what God has given us, with contentment and gratitude, and decide what we want to do with our talents.
The servant with the one talent is afraid of losing the talent. The rest took the responsibility, they were faithful adn they went to work their talents. We always want the easy way out - we need to work hard.
Whatever God puts in your hands, put it to work.
It is God's desire to bless you, his desire to transform you.
Jesus is holding your hands, as long as you do not let go. No matter how hard times may be, because if you are holding on to God's hand you will come out victorious.
Five talents were a few things, "few things" and then he got promoted to the "many things".
If you run away from your responsibilities, you will be delaying your promotion.
If you are the person holding on to the one talent, we are given a few thousand dollars, we become afraid that we will lose the money, we hide it as we think its their hard earned money. But when we are called "wicked and lazy servants", how would we feel?
The moral of the story is this; everyone of us has abilities but we choose to bury it.
Mostly we are lazy people... said the bible... if we hide our talents.
Sometimes we cannot see beyond ourselves that we can multiply the talent.
SIdetrack: If I am the master, and i am giving the money why am i labeled a hard man?
In verse 24: 5So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.
If you do not even know what God has placed in you, you will always be afraid and always hiding. The man with one talent, did not feel that the talent belonged to him.
The master took the talent from him and then gave it to the one with five talents.
Is this fair? There are certain principles in life, the more you apply the word of God, the more you receive, the more you use it, the more you will not lose it.
Whatever God has given you, use it. SO that you will not lose it.
The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more. This makes the most difference, we procrastinate..
We need to work on our strength, and not on our weaknesses. When we work on our strength, we double up really fast, but if we work on our weaknesses, then its always so much slower, that is not our strength.
The bible says: "You must forgive him 490 times in one day! Not in a whole lifetime." - Luke 17:4
The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
21Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?"
22Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.[a]
23"Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.
1. Matthew 18:22 Or seventy times seven
4If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him."
"Oh how many times have I broken your heart, but still you forgive if only i ask."
Thank you Lord, and please forgive me for burying the talents that you gave me. and Please forgive me for wasting your talents and that i was not a good steward for the talents you entrusted me.
Please do trust me again.
When we want to reach our to people, we need to take care of this body of ours. If God is our everything, honour him, by loving ourselves, respecting ourselves and others.
If we all are trying to change, the work becomes harder when there are some who refuse to.
So we will all work harder!!!
Just a little snap shot of us @ church!

The Parable of the Talents