Friday, February 02, 2007

Compliments and Blessings from God

I want to start counting my blessing from today onwards!

It was a blessing, that my boss decided to pay me for the OD that I signed. Its amazing as i never expected it to come. God knows.

Its been a pleasure working with my 3 customers so far, the working relationship is different. I received a CNY card from one of my customers! It was great! Also, Ms Wong was very nice to even mention me to her RM to make sure that I can learn from him. Its a blessing!

Also for Mr Chang, to know him as a Christian, is a blessing, and also for him to compliment the service that i provided, made me felt that it was worth while.. God has a reason for everything. And may God bless my father in his business. I love my dad, and want to make sure that he succeeds.

Another testimonial is about my bro and his gf. He has decided to make a change in his life, he slept earlier than me today. Its amazing, she went to sleep too. I pray that this will last, and that God will do a miracle in my family.

God is great.


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