Sunday, July 16, 2006

A different level in life

I realised that it has been so long since I last wrote here. Life has changed, God has blessed me abundantly, with a job that gives me the ability to get a high pay, but the responsibilities are bigger, there is a great verse..

"The servant who knows what his master wants and ignores it, or insolently does whatever he pleases, will be thoroughly thrashed. But if he does a poor job through ignorance, he'll get off with a slap on the hand. Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!"

Luke 12:47-48

This really means a lot to me, I was about to give up about to just want to be a normal person, But i really need God's help for me to stay firm and not to be greedy, to be a person of integrity and a person that is well respected.

Please help me Lord, I need the organization skill as well.

I need this skills:

1. Focusing
2. Handling emotions
3. Organization
4. Time management

And I need to manage my finances well enough..

Also I want to build my own biz through time and built it through while I am working.

I need to learn to be firm with customers and not too customer service oriented till they push me to a corner.

I think these are important.

I want to open a shop that is filled with beautiful cakes and pastries, sweets, goodies, and beautiful nice things.

Some of the reference points :

Beautiful or the show Chocolat...

And also those england pastry bakery shops.

Must know how to save...

Thank Jesus for bringing me to this company, let me shine for your glory again.

Thank you...

Also Lord, bless the music ministry tomorrow, let the praises rise higher and higher..



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