When the reality steps in, and you realise that there is no one whom you can trust except the Lord, that is the toughest thing one can ever expect..
Friday, May 23, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Amazing Love, it covers me
He was angry. He disagreed. He wants to die - selfish. Silent Treatment. He refuse to change.
1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
Let's not just go through the actions, the Lord looks at the heart. The devil attacks your soul to attack your heart.
God will send Holy Spirit to speak to us when we are facing obstacles. When we cover each other in Love, the Holy Spirit will come and convict him.
The stones in our lives cannot be removed yet, they are still going to be there and will not go away. Until we surrender it all to God.
As long as we prefer to stay where we are, we will not be able to move on.
Do it daily! Let it go!
He was angry. He disagreed. He wants to die - selfish. Silent Treatment. He refuse to change.
1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
Let's not just go through the actions, the Lord looks at the heart. The devil attacks your soul to attack your heart.
God will send Holy Spirit to speak to us when we are facing obstacles. When we cover each other in Love, the Holy Spirit will come and convict him.
The stones in our lives cannot be removed yet, they are still going to be there and will not go away. Until we surrender it all to God.
As long as we prefer to stay where we are, we will not be able to move on.
Do it daily! Let it go!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Made of Honor
It was a last minute decision to go watch the movie! But I have been wanting to watch this movie ever since i saw the trailer whilst watching P.S. I Love You! And i did not regret it! A beautiful story, with a beautiful ending! Funny, and touching.. A thumbs up, makes me feel that marriage is so sweet and loving!

Sunday, May 04, 2008
A verse that reached out to me...
James 1:26
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. 27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
this is something that we all need to remember!
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. 27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
this is something that we all need to remember!
How to triumph over temptations?
"Open the floodgates of Heaven, Let it rain"
How do u trust God totally? What is that we must do right before can open the floodgates of Heaven?
Only when you are not alive, then you will not be tempted. Everyone of us go through temptation.
Who is the source of all temptations?
The moment someone tells you not to touch, you will be tempted to touch. Examine our lives.
The person tempting us is ourselves. How do you tempt yourself?
James 1:13
"When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. 15Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."
Trials and temptations are two different things.
Temptation is the one tat will continuously sabotage you to to accomplish what God wants to do in your lives.
Temptation comes from within. Trials comes from external pressure.
How you respond to your "trials" situation determine how u are going to grow in the Lord.
When we face temptation we usually want to find a way of temptations. But sometimes we do not want to find a way out, because it might look good, feel good.
The devil wants to come and steal, kill and destroy.
Falling prey to temptation involves a series of steps:
When you look, you assess and see is fine.. But only when you start desiring.
Temptation is internal pressure.
We must stop doing the blaming game.
If you do not identify with it, you cannot deal with it.
1. Do not go near temptation
2. Flee from it
Who is the source of triumph; God
How do u trust God totally? What is that we must do right before can open the floodgates of Heaven?
Only when you are not alive, then you will not be tempted. Everyone of us go through temptation.
Who is the source of all temptations?
The moment someone tells you not to touch, you will be tempted to touch. Examine our lives.
The person tempting us is ourselves. How do you tempt yourself?
James 1:13
"When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. 15Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."
Trials and temptations are two different things.
Temptation is the one tat will continuously sabotage you to to accomplish what God wants to do in your lives.
Temptation comes from within. Trials comes from external pressure.
How you respond to your "trials" situation determine how u are going to grow in the Lord.
When we face temptation we usually want to find a way of temptations. But sometimes we do not want to find a way out, because it might look good, feel good.
The devil wants to come and steal, kill and destroy.
Falling prey to temptation involves a series of steps:
When you look, you assess and see is fine.. But only when you start desiring.
Temptation is internal pressure.
We must stop doing the blaming game.
If you do not identify with it, you cannot deal with it.
1. Do not go near temptation
2. Flee from it
Who is the source of triumph; God
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