"From a Banker to a Baker..." these were the words that caught my eye from the magazine: Vanilla.
Almost immediately i took it off the shelf and without perusal went ahead to make payment. At this moment in time, these words are crucial to me. I am contemplating, what is success? What is my passion? Are there any out there who thinks like me? We all strive for a future which we thought; we had it all planned.
We came through the system, fought through our education system. Found a good job that pays well, and struggled through the days and in no time realise that commitments have gotten more, and seemingly we seem to have no other time for our passions...
But till the day our tolerance level reaches its max.. We are at our crossroads.
I came to mine. And the most inspiring thing that happened to me is to find this magazine. There were so many ladies that have went through the same stage as me. And have courageously stepped out in Faith..
In this age, to be able to step out of our comfy careers and get started on our passion is really remarkable. Many a times, I contemplated to give up my dream. To give up my dreams to the realism of financial pressure. But i think our creator above never wishes for us to give up.
I really would encourage many to read the magazine.. Its different truly.
Its real women issues.
Even today in church, Pastor Frankie shared about Success.. or rather it was actually on THOUGHTS.
I am sitting in my room now, thoughts are already encompassing my mind. With the music in the background.. "All that I am, all that I do.. U.R.Y" Beautiful...
Just as I was about to complain about all that I am doing, God sends the sermon message across to me beautifully. Can I do it as unto the Lord?
"You are why I sing, you are why i love?"
I feel happy doing Hungrrry, being able to serve and in future try my baking.
I wanted to complain why is it only me that takes it seriously but i think, i cannot force people to take it as seriously as me. I can only inspire people. And to be a leader, i need to be a servant.
So apt, "Be transformed by the renewal of the mind" was the first words I hear from Pastor Frankie,
We have great potential to do great things for God. All we need to do is to capture our thoughts. God has assigned us and anointed us for greater things.
But what are this great things:
It can be as small as helping the old lady collect cans for a living. Or as big as Mother Theresa helping the poor in the world.
All these are great things, it just depends on the angle and the perspective we look at things.
Not everyone is called to be a Superstar, or a great politician, or a great docter. But everyone is called to do something great in one's life.
I want to pray for a Paradigm shift in my thinking.
"Reprocess your thinking process; put on the mind of Christ."
Pressing toward the GoalPhilippians 3
12 I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. 13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it,[d] but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
God showed me this verse, just as I was feeling burnt out, just as I was afraid and just had a little argument with Jerome.
He is afraid as well, of the life ahead. And I do not want to hold him back from his success. I will be the reason and the motivation for his success.
And as God calls us to press on, we will press on in life and achieve his purpose for us.