Thursday, March 31, 2005

Day 24: Transformed by truth

What has God said in his word than i must start to do, but i haven done yet?

God said for us to be humble and not bad tempered. To think for others more than think about ourselves. I think these are the few actions that i want to take towards following what the Bible says. I have not read through the bible at all yet and not even studied much into it. I want to start doing that as well.

Realised that because i cannot really quote scriptures and cannot really explain certain things that i feel from God to others.Then how do i spread the gospel like that?

I was amazed by the four authorities that we usually go by:

Culture (everyone is doing it)
Reason (It seems logical)
Tradtion (We have always been doing it)
Emotions (It just felt right)

But i have one question that i think i should ask Pastor sally... how to follow bible standards? how do we look for answers and instructions in the BIble???

I must receive it, read it, research it, remember and reflect on it!

I never really asked much questions: I think its time i asked, and God can then let me grow faster...


Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Day 23: How to Grow

I must want to grow, decide to grow, make an effort to grow, and persist in growing...

To become more Christlike, i guess i jus made one mistake.. Hmm... okie will take note..

Today's chapter mentioned, if we change our attitude and mindset, we will be able to change our habits.. sounds super familiar.. Hahah use to think like that..

To develop new habits: Hmmm.. yah recently working hard in my school projects.. so far this 2 semesters are my best semesters! To God be the Glory..

To stop thinking immature thoughts, which is to stop thinking about myself, to start thinking for others.. dropping the I me, and My....

Its not easy not to be self centered, but Jewel will do her best...


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Sun setting... so beautiful Posted by Hello
Happening Ladies!!! Posted by Hello
Jerome and Jewel at Sentosa on Sunday! Posted by Hello

Day 22: Created to become like Christ

Its not what we do that is important, its what we are that is important.

The Beatitudes:

Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

Matthew 5:1-12

Fruits of the Spirit:

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.

Galatians 5:22-23

The Chapter on Love:

"Love is patient, love is kind, It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserveres. Love never fails."

1 Corinthians Chp 13

Peter's characteristic of effective and productive life:

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness knowledge; and to knowledge, self control; and to self control, perserverance; and to perserverance, godliness: and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 1:5-8

All these shall be what i aspiire to be...

Monday, March 28, 2005

No mood

I have no mood to read at all today, why is life so difficult

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Day 20: Restoring Broken Relationship

I guess this broken relationship chapter is talking about Christians? But i too have some non Christian friends whom i need to restore friendship as well.. Hmm..

Resolving a conflict is never easy.. it takes a lot of humility.. and to be able to face up to that person is the hardest.. I realised one thing today though.. it takes jus our effort to bring people to God.. Mercy has been trying to get madelene and dede they all to come to church but she is one person trying her best to do that, while we have not helped her at all... now we asked them together.. and they are coming tomolo... God is wonderful.. He put that image in me, when i was touched by His power.. He made me ignite that fire to spread the gospel for His sake...

And i shall do that... to let people know what He has done in my life and what He can do in their lives..


Saturday, March 26, 2005

Day 19: Cultivating Community

Had such an experience today, was able to feel God's presence on me, could not stop crying, it was as if in my body or spirit i felt a revelation come over me, An urgency for people to come to know Christ.. I was thinking how would it have been if dede came along as well... I should have tried harder... i know i would be able to... Felt lead to msg mad and mel and eileen as well.. i feel that as their friend.. i should put in my utmost effort.. I remember myself asking Jesus, Lord all i want now, is for jewel's parents to be saved... all jewel wants is to humble herself at ur feet.. to serve you..

cultivating community need times, an investment of a lot of time, Jewel had a sudden urge to invest her time into getting eagle two back for Christ.. To let his glory reign in her life... Apostle prayed for forgiveness in our spirirt.. and the thought that came into Jewel's mind was yes Lord, there are still bitterness in her..

Jewel was praying hard that in her life, she will be able to pray to cultivate the community with humility, bonesty, courtesy, confidentiality and frequency. she should be honest with her feelings...

Friday, March 25, 2005

Day 18: Experiencing life together

A little confused by today's chapter, got the gist of it but i guess need to read it once more.. I understand that being in church, having a small group like cell group will be good. To build the relative bond of the people around us.. I realized one thind, that its always better to share with our church, the hurts that we are going through.. The fact that God has made it such that we are able to fellowship on a deeper levele with each other.. SOmetimes, i like to keep certain facts to myself, because it seems to me that, its better not to let others know.

Our chinese upbringing has probably lead me to keep hurts and feelings more to myself. To have heart to heart talks with our church members. Hmm.. had a talk today with aunty Gwen.. she always makes me see things in a different light.. I guess, we can slowly open up..

Had my first tuition class today, hahaha so stressful, must read up more! Heard from Jerome about prayer meeting today, very happy for him... Its like now he has a more deeper relationship with God.. even before he went, he was already excited.. such a different him.. God changes lives..

God has shown us how merciful He has been on our lives.. No matter what kind of problems lies ahead. HE will carry us through...

"There is no problem too big, God cannot solve it,
There is no mountain too tall, he cannot move it,"

Cant remember the lyrics to the song.. a beautiful one..

"If he carried the weight of the world upin his shoulders,
I know my sister that he will carry you,
If he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders,
I know my brother that he will carry you..."

"He said come unto me, all who are weary"

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Day 17: A place to belong

Today its about fellowshipping with people or rather God's people. I want to be able to be committed in the church. To give some time that i have to the Lord. And i pray that i will not take music ministry for granted.. I realise now that to be committed to a CHurch is what God wants us to do. Encourage one another..

And there is no such thing as a perfect church.... very tired today, but very blessed today, God kept me save from harm again today.. Tomorrow will be a great day! Jerome said to me today, that he was feeling very happy, cos he feels that he does not have to worry much, he has a feeling that someone is taking care of things for him.. God is.. God is great... But i must continue to grow in faith with the Lord, I'm praying.. for Him to strengthen me as i continue this difficult journey down the road to graduation... can feel the tension already.. may God release that tension in me..



Had a great day today, and to me, reading this chapter ends this day beautifully...

"What Matters Most..." To God? We were talking to Apostle today about Heehaw and its all about love.. and God so graciously planned today.... Of all days today to talk about love.. relationships..

"No matter what i say, what i believe, and what i do, I'm bankrupt without love."
1 Corinthians 13:3b (Msg)

Beautifully said.. we should value our relationships more.. My parents, my friends, my siblings, Jerome, my sisters and brothers in Christ..

Today I finally saw how God works and finally understood why things happen, and that things do happen for a reason... I have been feeling vexed and confused lately about the happenings and direction of Heehaw.. and God showed me why he had not open up doors for us.. I am glad he brought us to see what He had planned for us.. God, is so wonderful in His plans.. that i could not stop thinking or talking about it... To God be the Glory... And Fairhavens Romance was born...

And thanks to Veron who mentioned the covering of the Church... We are now guided by the right counsel.. Thank you Lord for being gracious to us.. gracious enough to still guide us..

I never saw Love this way before as the Chapter describes it.. I always felt guilty if i spent too much time with my family, friends and Jerome.. In the past during AM, i remember that spending time with them means that next time we will not be able to provide a better future.. Time has to be spent carving out a career for oneself, at the expense of not seeing my parents and my siblings much..

I remember that my sister grew up so fast without me really witnessing me much of the change.. I was too busy at that time, too busy to be there for her and to listen to her.. Too busy for my mummy.. Left her alone most of the time, and took her for granted... All with the thought that sacrificing time now, would equal a better future..

But apparently it did not, now i understand the biblical way.. understand the importance the time and relationships. I want to use my time more wisely now..

"Busyness is a great enemy of relationships" True enough we become preoccupied with making a living, doing our work, paying bills and accomplishing goals, i believe God does not want us to be lazy but he also wants us to be balanced, i think i should let dede read this.. to let her understand... that Work is not everything.

True.... wat an observation: When ppl are on their death beds, wat di they wan to see the most? Books? Accomplishments? money? Its people... They want their love ones to be around... Thus love is so important...

Yesterday, we drove past a car, the car had a flat tyre and it was a lady trying to change the tyre... We wanted to stop to help, but at that split second, i looked at the time and realised that if we stopped i would be late for my Music class, as i wanted to rush to Sim lim first... And we made a wrong turn and we didnt stop to help... We felt bad... but in my mind was that i know i did not have the time to help.. But reading this, i am wrong.. And may God forgive me.. Busyness is something that we all have an excuse about... And i really understand now, what this chapter is trying to put across...

I want to make full use of my time here on earth, to love and spend more time with the people around me, i never know when they will not be around anymore.. Even that thought scares me, i want them to be in Heaven with me.. Will pray them into the Kingdom Lord, and share with them how He touched my heart..


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Day 15: A Part of God's Family

What can i do for the other believers, to treat them like my own family?

I am trying to think, there are times, when i buy food for my mummy, sis and bro... my dad as well... I care for their well being, i want to make sure that i can provide the best that i can for them.. In that sense, i will really want to make sure that i will be able to be sincere towards other believers.. I will start from my family in MM... to try my best to treat them as my sisters and brothers, to love and care for them..

Mercy is at my place today, she is listening to some Jason Upton's music... Worship song.. Lovely... God is with us... May He take away all the circumstances tt are before us... and lead us into His presence...

Being a part of God's family is when i can partake a share of his treasures... His mercy, patience.. wisdom.. knowledge.. Priceless gifts.. I remember it was once said...

"Its not the brilliant methods that makes a Business prosper... Its the character and depth of the one who was behind it.. It was the one behind the plans that drew the crowds... "

Thus Lord, i long to be the one who chases after you, i know that i can never be perfect, but among my imperfection, i hope to seek a little piece of your perfect love..

Suddenly a thought dawned on me.. I have been cautious in my relationship.. thinking that maybe if i took a step wrong, God will halt it.. But i realise that it might not be that i Love the most.. it might be something more dear to me.. God might be dealing with me, my emotions, my character and pride is most important to me.. Am i willing to give up my Isaac for Him...

My Isaac... I think its myself... to not think of myself... but to think of HIm...


Monday, March 21, 2005

Day 14: When God seems distant

Ever felt that before, a period of barren promises and faith... I guess i failed that test, i remember that i was not even sure if there was a God.. But now, i would say that although, the first time i said the sinner's prayer is 12 years ago, i feel like i was just a new born christian... finally jus born again and now starting to know God for who HE is..

But yah.. the first time i prayed to Him, there was no response, i could not receive it and was unable to feel him in my life... Now i am beginning to feel him, and i guess like what today's chapter wrote about, He is reassuring me now, and i must be prepared to once again in future to take up that challenge, if God seems distant...

Today in the book, it states, Christ died on the cross for me, and he really suffered for us... Suddenly it jus came to me, today as we were worshipping the Lord, i remembered something, i Remembered the sacrifice that Jesus made, saw that image in Passion of Christ.. that hurt in his eyes, and pain written all over... And in accordance, the book mentioned about the cross as well... Maybe, God is reminding me that yes he is here.. in my life.. and He will guide me through, jus as Apostle taught us that prayer...

"This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it... Lord, save us O Lord, send NOW, your prosperity.."

That this is the day i believe that God will understand and hear what my prayers are....

My prayer today, tonight... will be that dede has a peaceful heart, and wake up tomolo knowing what to do... for the Lord is always with her... and most of all.. for the Lord to touch her...


Saturday, March 19, 2005

Day 13: Worship that pleases God

Going to do a presentation next Saturday, was praying for God to give me a song, and in today's chapter, the last paragraph wrote:

"I'll bring you more than a song,
because the song in itself is not what you have required.
You search much deeper within
than the way things appear.
You're looking into my heart."

"I'm coming back to the Heart of worship, And its all about you..
Its all about you Jesus.."

Worship takes effort and energy, today this chapter made me understand one thing, its not us that should be the focus, not because we like the song that we sing the song, but to sincerely mean it... Sometimes, i will sing the worship song because i like that song... But now i know, i want to sincerely mean it from the bottom of my heart..

Today a song that touched my heart was:

"Exalted, Adore you..."

It literally made me stand in awe of him.. amazed by his power and grace... It really led me to worship.. But i really want to be like what the book mentioned today, to really get rid of all self centredness.. and concentrate on worshipping..

I shall be lead to understand the true heart of worship..

Day 12: Fellowship with Veron

Veron, if you are readin this, i do not understand the pork issue, so maybe if you have an understanding regarding it maybe you can share with me? good pt there... 2hrs and 40 mins of our daily time.. haha.. monthly??? kidding!


Day 12: Developing Friendship with God

Had house church today and felt very perturbed about some things in life.. It was as if, there was a heavy burden in me. Uncle mic refered us to Exodus chp 3, Moses was tending the flocks, and he asked us do we know what Moses was in the past 40 years of his life? I answered, a Prince. A prince humbling himself to tend the flocks, it was something remarkable..

He asked us then, do u remember a point in time, whereby you were up there in status quo and after being a Christian you were brought down? I recall when I was working in AM, i held that postion, fought hard for it, and was earning my own money, managing a group of people, earning the respect of others as well.. But God brought me down to a stage whereby i had to humble myself, to learn the tough ways of live, i understand now that I forgot about him during those times, and he wanted me to understand the complexity of life. But i did not share this, there was no oppo for me to share with the house church members.

In my opinion, God meant it to be that way, for uncle mic asked to share if we had any recent 'supernatural' encounter with God! And i realized that i do have! The angel that God sent down to help us during our time of trouble.. Mr Lawrence, the tow truck guy.. I had a new understanding today that God really amazes me about:

"Do not look back into the past, for it has passed.. but look unto the future, for you can be sure that I am always around, waiting for you to cry out to me for help, and I will be there.."

So today's message in Purpose Driven life, made me understood one thing, God did not expect us to be perfect.. and Jerome mentioned one sentence that hit me real hard....

"God did not expect us to be perfect... Man does.."

People around us and even ourselves, condemn mistakes and seek for perfection, we are not satisfied with our lives, our looks, our history... People seek to find the perfect one in love too.. but there is no such thing.. God expects us to be honest, and i want to honest with Jesus, and not give him that cliche holiness.. that everyone expects...

I want to be honest with God that i am afraid of drawing close to him, in case He wants me to do something i do not want.. Like in the case of Matt and all.. Its like i am afraid of that kind of consecration of extremity.. But i guess i have to be honest with him and tell him that i do have things that i am holding back from..

A side topic: My mum cooked a whole pot of chicken soup.. But we were afraid that it will spoil soon if we leave it for too many days... Jerome suggested that we finish it by tonight... But he said... either the food gets wasted or we gain a little bit more weight.. Dilemma said he... hahahah well... in life i guess, there are many choices like that we have to make, both the options seems reasonable.. However, we have to know our objectives in life, and not change ourselves to meet the environment changes.. Likewise, I know that i have to do what is right in God's eyes..

I pray that God will give me the strength to change certain things and the wisdom to know the difference between the things i can change and the things i cannot change...

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Day 11: Becoming Best Friends with God

Never thought of God as my best friend, its easier to associate him as my Father, Creator.. There are certain things that I will never share with my parents, but lots of things i will share with my best friend, i guess thats the difference that God wants me to take. To treat him like how i treat ah bee, ah thia and dede they all.. They have known me for 10 odd years, but God knows me for centuries ago.. Before i was even born..

Never tried treating God as a friend, joking and sharing everything together.. Recently, me dede and veron had a long gals chat! haha sharing all our stories and what not.. Made me understand now, what this chapter is all about, we can have slumber parties with all our gal friends and chat till till the sun rises again, but why cant we do that with God.. I think he will be more than happy to hear us chatter non stop.. happy to take our sorrows and burdens, I guess to do this requires lots of meditation, becos we r talking to an invisible and Almighty God..

Haha i intend to stick my post its notes everywhere to remind me to have constant conversation with God! Come to think of it i think veron, Jerome and me will be more constantly reminded! Hey we should be each other's constant reminders! Okie Veron, if you are reading this! Lets put it into action!

Hahah! To be friends with God is my challenge.. So may God help me..


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Day 10: The Heart of worship

I'm coming back to the heart of worship, and its all about you, its all about you Jesus...

This song immediately comes to my mind during the course of this chapter.. It never occured to me that its actually not good that the world is all about succeeding and not giving up.. Today's chapter talked about surrendering my all.. I realised that i am afraid of surrendering all, surrendering all would mean putting down my will and my choices in life to trust the plans that God has for us..

"love casts out all fear" ... true.. when u know that there is love, fear seems to creep away.. i remember when i was younger, i use to have this sudden pangs of fear coming over me, fearing a lot of things about life. However, when Jerome came into my life, fear seems far away, perhaps that security and that trust brings about that losing of fear.. And God can guide me, and take away my fear much more...

It dawned on me now, why we react emotionally to circumstances.. We express our insecurity and our limitations through the releasing of emotions, resentment, irritation and all.. Hmm.. this makes me want to slowly get to the stage whereby i want not to be emotionally burdened by limitations, and to allow myself to be free. to understand that we should rely on God as HE is our dependence..

It sparks in me, again, why God chose this day to reveal this revelation on me.. My past was catching up with me, a lot of my past hurts and scars were surfacing, God seems to want me to know that while we surrender all, he will do his 'deepest work within us'.. I shall give it all to Jesus.. 'past regrets, my present problems, my future ambitions, my fears, my dreams, weaknesses, habits, hurts and hang ups..'

reminded of a song:

"Are you tired of chasing pretty rainbows?
Are you tired of spinning round and round?
Wrap up all the shattered dreams of your life
And at the feet of Jesus lay them down.

Give them all, Give them all, Give them all to Jesus
Shattered Dreams, Wounded Hearts and Broken Toys

Give them all, Give them all, Give them all to Jesus,
And He will turn your sorrows into Joy.."

Beautiful words, i realised.. I have been singing it for so long, yet only today did it dawn on me.. the great meaning behind those words.. I have been holding back lots of confusion from God, its time should give them all..

Facing circumstances shall not stumble me, my God is a great God and He will guide me through...

Day 9: What makes God smile?

In a haste to finish reading today, tomorrow is a long day for me, and i'm feeling tired. Today the car broke down, tyre went flat.. Well.. i thought what luck for the tyre to be flat... In my mind, i was thinking to myself, maybe God planned for this, so that i might reach home at a certain time or something.. However, an angel came to our rescue! A stranger stopped by to help us.. nice man.. really was impressed.. That there are nice ppl around..

Day 9 touched my heart, what makes God smile.. reading this makes me understand God better.. i use to think that God is unhappy whenever i am not spiritually "there" yet.. and that he loves those who are chasing after him desperately only.. But it wamed my heart when i read that He loves to watch our spiritual development. He does not seek the perfect us, but the us that seeks to love him wholeheartedly..

God smiles when we trust him totally.. well i think tt is the hardest part to do... To trust completely.. when times are good, its easy to trust.. when times seem hard and the impossible sets in, then we question the will of God.. I was amazed with Noah... to spend 120 years building the ark must not have been an easy feat.. however, he did it, and he trusted God completely, without any complaints..

For me, i think the most important part of my life that i feel i should let go to trust God completely would be my career path... for me to trust him completely that he will bring me to where he wants me to go... Thy will be done...

A long night... seems a short slumber to the tired mind...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Bugis Picture Taking Posted by Hello
Family but Daddy in Malaysia Posted by Hello
Nice Jewelllery hee Posted by Hello
Bugis the Neoprint machine Posted by Hello

Monday, March 14, 2005

Planned for God's Pleasure

14th March 2005 Monday in NUS Forum, i had my singing classes today, and i chose the song 'Power of your love', Was rather nervous about it all, but i prayed and lifted the song up to Jesus, as my personal prayer. God is really a God that creates wonders, he chose the timing so perfectly that day 8 will land on my presentation date. Hee and thank God, he brought me through the presentation well... At least no major hiccups or pitching problem! Worshipping him with all that i am, and using our daily routinal tasks, we can transform it into something that is worth praising God for.

Everything can be used to worship... And it included being still... I wanted to use a common task and lift it unto Jesus, which is my studies, and heehaw. I realised that Jesus made a great sacrifice for love, he showed us what was Love all about. The last phrase in today's lesson was 'falling in love with Jesus.', to see where HE came from, he loved to the greatest extent, and this should be how he wants love to be. In corinthians, where Love is patient, love is kind, it is the ideal of love.

Purpose Driven Life

Started on a 40 day quiet time with Veronica and Jerome! This is our 8th day.. Felt a lot about the things that i have been reading.. Especially when i attended the Benny Hinn's Crusade last Saturday!

I remember that I was once speaking to an elderly man, he was sharing with me how and why he believed that there is a God, and how he came to know about Jesus. He said, have i ever noticed that if we use a microscope to look into an ant. We would be amazed by the ant's complexity of body parts, that within such a tiny insect lies such profound creation, and entanglement of nerves and what there was to be... And he asked me, look up into the skies and marvel at the extent of the skie, the beauty of the sun, the moon, the stars, the clouds... SUch beauty and depth could only have been a creation of someone far more beautiful and wonderful than these..

What he told me, stayed in my heart till now... And still i am so amazed how God knows when i am fallible, when i am uncertain... And i am amazed by how he uses someone else to come into my life, a stranger over the phone to share with me.. Why God exists. And true.. Love is also such a beautiful intangible feeling that no one in this world can explain and decipher but yet, God could create such an emotion. If the people on earth are capable of such great love and sacrifices for love, then God is even more than that.. He is even greater at loving...

Love brings us to another platform, where self seems secondary and the love placed high above all..


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Heehaw's New Webby

Very excited today! Our facelift for the webby is out! and have received many compliments about it! My Wish for HEEHAW is to grow under the wings of love and one day be able to bring Love to people all around! So busy with so many tests that i have no time to do many things!!